Add sleeves to the Gigi dress

pattern dress gigi
We like to sew Gigi for:
  • its box pleats that replace darts and teach us a new technique
  • its 3 neckline options
When worn, we love it for its comfort and its feminine side. This deliciously retro model is inspired by the 70s and in particular by Lise P’s mother’s dressing room. With Gigi, in two steps, three movements, you’re dressed and stylish for the day!
With different lengths (midi/mini and blouse) and necklines, it is a piece that can be sewn and sewn up and that we wear often. All these possibilities make it possible to vary styles and desires.

Nous vous proposons un petit tuto explicatif pour savoir comment ajouter des manches à Gigi, pour encore lui donner un look différent !

can I choose any sleeve?

No, unfortunately you cannot choose the first round you draw from your patron library.

Gigi was designed to be a sleeveless dress, which implies that the pattern of the armhole differs. Indeed, the pattern is more dug, whether at the level of the back or the front. The shoulder line is also shorter. That doesn’t mean you can’t sew sleeves, but you should pay attention to a few important details:
  • Only the gathered sleeves will be usable because this allows you to get out of the fullness more easily and to have more ease.
  • To be sure of being comfortable, if you hesitate between two sizes, choose the larger one.


so, which sleeves to opt for ? 

Following your requests, we tested the sleeves of our patterns to see which ones lend themselves well to this hack.
It turns out that you can safely use:
  • The sleeves of the Reverie blouse
  • The sleeves of the Comète dress
Here, Lise D is wearing Gigi’s blouse version, with the turn-down collar option. She sewed the sleeves of the Rêverie blouse and encountered no difficulty in patronage. She still opted for size 36, instead of her usual 34.

The cut :

Regarding the yardage, it will be necessary to add a yardage of the height of a sleeve, then cut the sleeve twice.

For assembly, you can follow the explanations of the steps for sewing the sleeves of the pattern you have chosen.



Et voilà, vous êtes prête a poser des manches sur votre robe Gigi ! 

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